
Homemade Moisturizing Face Mask For Dried & Stressed Skin

Moisturizing mask do-it-yourself for dried and stressed skin

The causes of dried and stressed skin can be numerous factors: fatigue, stress, improper exposure to the sun, use a too aggressive cleanser, hypersensitivity, and so on.

To combat these annoying problems, applied every 2 weeks this homemade moisturizing face mask made ​​of honey, milk and flour. Let's see how to prepare and use it in a few simple moves.

Homemade Moisturizing Face Mask

You will need:

     2 tablespoons honey
     2 tablespoons flour
     2 tablespoons milk

How to prepare this moisturizing face mask for dried and stressed skin?

Take a bowl and mix all the ingredients until a creamy and smooth.

With the help of a brush, spread the mask on the skin to be treated (face and / or body).

Leave this on for 15-20 minutes and rinse.

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