
Honey Face Mask for The Delicate Skin of The Face

Have you received the jars of honey and you are not able to consume it all? Surely you can start using it in place of refined sugar, thus eliminating a primary source of health troubles and then you can make a sweet honey homemade face mask. Especially if you have sensitive skin .

Make a honey mask for acne is very easy and very inexpensive. Honey is in fact perfect for a face mask scrub, ideal to eliminate dead cells and toxins mainly caused by the pollution. A delicate and natural way to remove impurities and have the skin soft and regenerated in a few easy steps.

Honey Face Mask for The Delicate Skin of The Face

We know that the skin pores get clogged with dust and this causes the appearance of wrinkles and blackheads, so it is important to take action immediately: preparing the honey facial mask with sugar and a dash of lemon, (or with the corn flour instead of sugar ). This will give you a compound to be applied on the face for 5 minutes for a skin super smooth and well nourished.

Milk can be added to the mixture to create more nutritious face mask, especially in winter when the facial skin is more delicate.