
Homemade Face Scrub for Blackheads - Egg White and Sugar Scrub Recipe

DIY Egg White and Sugar Face Scrub for Blackheads

The blackheads, whose scientific name is comedone, are formed due to the accumulation of sebum. The excess sebum is produced by sebaceous glands to clog the hair follicle. It then forms a kind of cap that, for the oxidizing action of the oxygen present in the air and the presence of melanin which joins the sebum tends to assume the characteristic dark color of the blackheads.

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Homemade Face Scrub for Blackheads Recipe

There are several techniques to combat this skin impurities, some of methods obviously require the purchase of specific products often with high costs. Others, however, could achieve the same result, if not better outcomes, using only natural homemade face scrub.

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Among the natural treatments are homemade face scrub for blackheads. We define scrub a beauty treatment that leads to the elimination of dead skin cells. The outermost layer of the epidermis, in fact, consists of dead cells, while in the lower layers are formed live cells and very moisturized. Taking advantage of the scrub you can renew your skin, giving shine and vitality to your face by removing impurities and dead cells.

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The DIY face scrub for blackheads need of an egg which will use only the egg white and a few teaspoons of sugar. Pour the egg white into a container, add a little sugar and mix. After the easy preparation of our homemade egg white and sugar facial scrub, we put scrub on your face, paying particular attention to the application on the areas most affected by the blackheads. The best technique for applying a scrub is one that involves the use of slow, circular movements . The operation must seem like a gentle massage.

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We also recommend to use sugar cane instead of the common sugar for this homemade facial scrub. The reason is simple: It's larger grains and using them to scrub the skin will derive greater benefits.