
DIY Homemade Face Masks for Blackheads

To treat our beauty, we women are often willing to invest a lot of money on creams, lotions, masks and tricks.

However, to be beautiful is not always necessary to make investments in cosmetics major brands, sometimes even the DIY face masks are excellent solutions that allow us to treat our skin.

Homemade Face Mask for Blackheads

For example, if you strive daily to try to eliminate blackheads, here are some tips for quick and easy DIY homemade face masks for blackheads suitable to your problem.

A mask useful for removing blackheads and very easy to prepare face mask is the pumpkin face mask. Do you need a slice of raw pumpkin with seeds (which during the rinse will also act as a natural scrub for the face), two tablespoons of honey and a jar of plain yogurt. Mix well all the ingredients carefully squeezing the pumpkin with a fork, if the pulp of the pumpkin is too hard before squeezing, let it boil a few minutes in the hot water. Then apply the natural face mask on face and neck and leave for fifteen minutes. Then rinse with warm water rubbing more on the most critical areas nose, forehead and chin.

If you suffer from acne an excellent, natural remedy is clay. Prepare a DIY mask for the face based on green clay, chopped kiwi and yogurt. Let the green clay face mask sit for about ten minutes before rinsing. It's a homemade face mask excellent against blackheads and is an effective homemade face masks for oily skin.

Another home remedy against blackheads is the grape mask. Prepare a homemade mask against facial impurities simply mixing a few tablespoons of plain yogurt with the pulp of a dozen grapes, one autumn fruit that has a strong astringent and therefore will help you narrow pores of the skin , eliminate blackheads and purify your face, making it brighter and healthier.

As a natural remedy against blackheads you can apply a face mask DIY made with lemon and yogurt. The lemon facial mask, in fact, thanks to its natural acidity of the skin is an excellent disinfectant and helps fight pimples and blackheads. Moreover, thanks to vitamin C that acts as a veritable homemade mask beauty for your face.

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