
DIY Exfoliating Honey Face Mask

DIY Exfoliating Mask with Honey

DIY mask to exfoliate the skin by exploiting the properties of the honey. Let us show you how to prepare at home an exfoliating honey face mask.

Preparing homemade face mask is a fun hobby and is also a great way to save a little money .

For example, to exfoliate the skin of our face is not necessary to take expensive cosmetic treatments. We can achieve the same effect with natural products in the kitchen or to buy in herbal medicine, which provide health and beauty of our skin.

We all know that normally the skin accumulates dead cells and toxins, mainly caused by dust and environmental pollution. This causes the pores become clogged, favoring the appearance of premature wrinkles and blackheads . How to get rid of this?

DIY exfoliating honey face mask

To make your skin more beautiful, clean and free of clogged pores , you must practice frequent natural exfoliation or peeling .

Then, we present the homemade face mask recipes do it yourself that can be prepared easily at home using simple ingredients : honey combined with sugar or corn flour or lemon, the exfoliating mask is ready in an instant!

Scrub mask with honey and sugar

To get this face mask we need a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of sugar. It must form a dough that is thick and rough, which is enough to cover the entire surface of the face and neck. Apply it in a circular motion trying to focus on the most difficult to clean as the chin , sides of the nose and forehead.

Exfoliating mask with honey and corn flour

Place in a bowl a tablespoon of honey and a bit of corn flour, mix well and apply on face and neck, in the same way described above.

Exfoliating mask with honey and lemon

This face mask is suitable for all skin types, but is particularly suitable for acne and oily skin : mix one tablespoon of honey, 2 tablespoons of sugar and form a dough, creamy, adding little by little lemon juice. Start to apply with your fingertips until it covers the whole surface of the face and neck.

Before you start to apply these homemade face masks, there are some recommendations that you should aware:

- If you suffer from allergies , avoid recipes with ingredients that trigger your allergies. In case of skin irritation and burns immediately suspend the application and washed with fresh water.
- Apply the prepared mask gently , without rubbing on the skin.
- Apply the mask once or at most 2 times per week ( after 5 days)
- After the exfoliation of the skin , wash with warm water and then you can apply the usual creams or masks .
- Always keep the products in a cool, dry place and throw the ones that over time you alter the odor or color.