
Honey with Banana Face Mask for Oily Skin

If you have a particularly oily skin like mine, you can accomplish with your hands a very useful DIY beauty mask, banana face mask with honey: very few ingredients that are not as expensive as the latest beauty creams industrial outputs on the market, but cheap and affordable of all. It can transform your skin in very little time !

Honey with Banana Face Mask for Oily Skin
Honey with Banana Face Mask for Oily Skin
The ingredients are:

- a ripe banana.

-1 Tablespoon of honey.

- 10 drops of lemon juice.

Just mash the banana in a bowl with honey and then add the lemon juice until the mixture is as homogeneous as possible. Apply the homemade banana face mask for oily skin on face for 15 minutes and then remove with a warm cloth ... you will see the results immediately!