
Natural Homemade Cream Against Blackheads

Choosing a natural cream to eliminate blackheads is a good variant to the classic cosmetic treatments, may imagine if we can do it at home and alone. Acne is a skin disorder resulting from the action of hormones on the sebaceous glands of the skin that leads to opening of pores with leakage of sebum, which in contact with air, it oxidizes, causing the formation of comedones or blackheads. The pimples in all their forms (papules, pustules) may occur on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and even the upper arms. It 's the most common skin disease and chronic.

Natural Homemade Cream Against Blackheads
Natural Homemade Cream Against Blackheads

Acne and Blackheads

Acne affects most teenagers but touches other age groups, particularly between 20 and 40. It is not a serious illness or that leads to serious damage to the safety of the person, but can be disfiguring up to cause the formation of scars very deep and permanent.

Causes of Blackheads

All forms of acne with the formation of comedones or blackheads have their origin mainly in eating habits, such as: irregular hours of meals, improper food, excess of starches and sugars, high intake of fatty foods. Chronic constipation is another major cause. If the intestine does not function properly, wastes are not removed as they should be and the more blood flow you would overload of toxic substances. The extra efforts of the skin to eliminate excess waste result in disorders such as forming of blackheads.

Home Remedies for Blackheads

    Boil 50 g of raspberry, strawberry and blackberry leaves with 1.5 liters of water for 3 minutes. Allow to cool and store in a cool, dry place. Its application will give a slight itching, but it is a sign that the remedy is working.

    Mix plain yogurt with no sugar oatmeal, forming a sort of thick paste, apply on face and leave on until it dries. Then wash your face with warm water and dry. Subsequently it is possible to apply any antibiotic cream depending on the type of skin.

    A remedy used today for the treatment of blackhead is Aloe Vera. Soaps and gels made ​​from Aloe Vera promote good healing of damaged skin from blackheads.

    Boil 2-3 tea bags in a pot of water and mix with dried basil for 10-20 minutes. Apply this mixture on your face with a cotton ball.

    Make a paste with honey and cinnamon powder. Apply the paste before going to sleep, let it work all night, and wash your face the next morning.

    Boil the milk with the chickpea flour is a useful remedy for the daily cleaning of skin with acne.

    Mix one tablespoon of groundnut oil with one tablespoon of lime juice for treating pimples and is one of the best remedies DIY.

    Apply fresh lime juice mixed with half a glass of boiled milk, makes it possible to cure pimples, spots and dark acne scars.

    To get a good remedy for blackheads, mix 2 tablespoons of white sugar and 1 tablespoon of brown sugar, moisten and rub it all over your face (it's like a natural exfoliant).

    Apply a paste of ripe tomatoes on the pimples and after an hour of laying rinse with warm water.

    Allow to saturate the lettuce leaves in water and use this water to wash your face.

    Apply fresh mint juice every night.

    Drink a glass of wheat grass juice daily.

    Make a paste of turmeric powder with mint juice, keep on the face, posing for 30 minutes and then wash with warm water water.

    Apply a paste made ​​from the leaves of greek hay and fresh water, leave it on all night and the next morning wash your face with warm water.

    Mix lime juice and rose water in equal parts and apply every night after cleansing the face. Leave on for 30 minutes and then wash your face again and pat dry.

Simple recipes for creating home effective natural cream masks against blackheads

For the care of blackheads, recipes DIY will focus mainly on the formulation of purifying masks and moisturizers.

Base Mask DIY with tomato, lemon and oatmeal


    2 ripe tomatoes
    2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
    2 tablespoons of oatmeal

Procedure: Peel the tomatoes and cut them into pieces. Put them in a blender and blend well. Pour into a bowl and add the lemon juice and oatmeal. Stir until you have a smooth substance. Roll out the dough gently with your fingertips on the face and neck after cleansing, avoiding the area around the eyes. Now lie down, relax and leave the mask on for 15 minutes. Then wash with warm water and pat gently with a soft warm towel.

DIY mask with seaweed, red wine, aloe, honey and apple


    1 tablespoon kelp powder *
    1/2 tablespoon of Aloe Vera Gel
    1 tbsp of organic honey
    1 tablespoon red wine
    1 tablespoon apple juice

Procedure: Heat the honey in a double boiler until it becomes liquid (but not too hot!) . When it is melted, remove from heat. Mix the honey and the rest of the ingredients in a bowl, stirring until you have a smooth paste. Allow to stand for 10 minutes so that the seaweed powder can absorb moisture. Spread the paste on your face and massage gently with your fingers on the face and neck after cleansing, avoiding the eye area. Relax and leave the mask on for 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water, then pat the skin dry with a clean towel .

* Note: Due to the iodine content in seaweed, this mask should not be applied to people who are allergic to iodine.

DIY mask with apple, oatmeal, milk and cucumber


    1/2 cup of oatmeal
    1/2 ripe apple
    1/4 of cucumber
    2 tablespoons milk

Procedure: Cut the apple and cucumber into pieces, put them together with the other ingredients in a blender and mix well until you have a smooth substance. Then apply the paste gently with fingertips to the face and neck after cleansing, except for the eye area. So lie back, relax and leave the mask on for 20 minutes. Then wash with warm water and finish with a cool misting. Pat the skin dry with a clean towel.

DIY mask with strawberries, cream and honey


    1/2 cup of ripe strawberries
    1 tablespoon of organic honey
    1 tablespoon of sour cream or plain yogurt with active cultures

Procedure: Heat the honey in a double boiler until it becomes liquid (but not too hot!). Put the strawberries, honey and cream/yogurt in a blender and mix well until you have a smooth substance. Roll out the dough lightly with a brush or spatula, apply mask on the face and neck after cleansing, without touching the eye area. Leave on the mask for 20 minutes. Then wash with cold water and pat the skin dry with a clean towel.

DIY mask with green clay, neem, lavender and lemon


    2 drops of lavender essential oil
    2 drops of lemon essential oil
    2 tablespoons of powdered Neem
    2 tablespoons of green clay French
    Mineral Water

Procedure: Mix all ingredients, using enough water to get a smooth substance that can stay on your face without dripping. Roll out the dough gently with your fingertips on the face and neck after cleansing, avoiding the eye area. Leave the mask for 15-20 minutes. Rinse your face and neck with warm water and finish with a cool misting. Blot with a clean towel .

DIY mask with yeast, tomato, yogurt and lemon


    2 tablespoons of tomato juice
    1 tablespoon of brewer's yeast powder
    1 tablespoon of plain yogurt with active cultures
    1 teaspoon lemon juice

Procedure: Mix all ingredients in a bowl until you get a smooth paste. Roll out the dough lightly with a brush or spatula on clean face and neck, avoiding the eye area. Relax and let the mask remains in place for 15 minutes. Then wash with warm water and dab with a soft and warm towel. Finally, apply a moisturizer.

DIY mask with turmeric, lentils and oatmeal


    1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder
    1 tablespoon of oatmeal
    1 tablespoon of powdered lentils
    Mineral Water

Procedure: Mix the oatmeal, lentils powder and turmeric powder, slowly adding water until the dough is smooth and uniform that we can stick to the face without dripping. Apply the paste with your fingertips on the face and neck after cleansing, avoiding the eye area. Now lie down, relax and leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes. Then wash it off with alternately cold and warm water, then blot with a clean towel.

DIY mask with carrots, green tea, tea tree, honey and pineapple


    2 medium carrots
    1 slice of fresh pineapple
    2 tablespoon of organic honey
    1 tablespoon of green tea
    3 drops of tea trea oil

Procedure: Prepare a cup of green tea and let it sit for a few minutes. Boil the carrots in a little water until they can be mashed. Heat the honey in a double boiler until it becomes liquid (but not too hot!). Strain the tea and put it together with honey, carrots, pineapple and tea tree oil in a blender. Blend all the ingredients until you get a smooth uniform substance. Roll out the dough gently with your fingertips on the face and neck after cleansing, avoiding the eye area. Leave the mask for 15-20 minutes. Then, wash it off with alternately cold and warm water and pat the skin dry with a clean towel.

DIY mask papaya, egg whites, apple, lemon, honey, chamomile and mint


    1 egg white
    1/4 fresh Papaya
    1/2 teaspoon of apple juice
    1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice
    2 tablespoons of organic honey
    1 teaspoon crushed dried chamomile flowers
    1 tablespoon chopped fresh mint leaves

Procedure: Place all ingredients in a blender and mix until a smooth and uniform substance. Apply with fingertips to the face and neck after cleansing: without touching the eyes. Now lie down, relax and leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes. Then wash with water, alternately hot and cold water, and pat the skin dry with a clean towel.

Considerations about cream masks for blackheads

Recall that all cases of cutaneous alterations are personal, and the cause is not the same for all those who are affected. What works for one person does not necessarily mean that it works in another. If a mask does not give results in the short, do not despair, but vary. We must also be aware that the facial masks can easily irritate the skin, especially if you leave on for too long and then they begin to dry.

Warning: before applying any face mask, we recommend that you perform a patch test on a small piece of skin (eg behind the ear ) to test the sensitivity of the individual!